018 June 23 2021




McAlpine House is an American architectural firm with locations in Montgomery, Alabama, Nashville, Tennessee, New York City, Atlanta and Georgia. They are truly masters of high calibre southern American architecture. Their use of massing, ornate detailing, material combinations and color palettes create some beautiful architectural moments in each house that they design.

McAlpine’s Website
McAlpine’s Instagram


Bridge Designs


Bridge design has always been something that is fascinating; being able to provide a passage over an obstacle that is otherwise difficult or almost impossible to cross. Every bridge has a unique design based on the nature of the terrain, the material used to construct it, the construction behind it, the weight it needs to support, and the particular function it provides. Here’s just a few examples of unique bridges around the world.


Courtyard design


Courtyard design provides a modern home with a special sense of serenity and allows nature to become a major part of a home’s makeup.

I have always had an appreciation for homes that make the inside and outside spaces seamless and not independent from one another but living in a location where 6 month or more out of the year is cold makes this feature less likely to be designed with a home as it can feel disjointed in times when its cold.

Nevertheless, I would love to be a part of a project here in Calgary that incorporates Courtyard design.